Back on My Feet


Back on My Feet


6 Months


Book Design
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Branding · Logo Design · Social MEdia
Back on My Feet
The twinkling star icon used in Tyler Ouellette's branding. It is a vibrant blue color with a touch of purple.

Make Moves That Matter

The twinkling star icon used in Tyler Ouellette's branding. It is a vibrant blue color with a touch of purple.


Back on My Feet is a nonprofit organization that aims to help homeless people achieve independence, giving them living skills, a community with resources, and job skills in order to gain sustainable employment and stable housing. Back on My Feet helps form communities through walking and running groups, and they help run many running events to raise money for their operations. Additionally, Back on My Feet runs a workforce development program to help people gain the skills they need to find stable employment.

The twinkling star icon used in Tyler Ouellette's branding. It is a vibrant blue color with a touch of purple.


During my time at Back on My Feet, I partook in overhauling the brand to better fit the 2022 landscape. The new brand is friendly, using bright colors and round shapes. I created the annual report for the organization for the year in which I was employed by them, and I created various advertisements and social media posts for fundraisers, running events, and community activities in various cities across the country.



Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
The twinkling star icon used in Tyler Ouellette's branding. It is a vibrant blue color with a touch of purple.
Let's work